Tailless Cat Rescue
Tailless Cat Rescue
Dedicated to finding exceptional homes for exceptional cats
Specializing in Manx, but we'll accept Japanese or American Bobtails and Pixie-bobs
Liberty, NC
e-mail: taillesscatrescue@hotmail.com

Home | About Us/FAQ |Application | Contract | Resources | Cats for Adoption | Links | Events |



City, State: _______________________________________ZIP: ________________________________
Home phone: ______________________________
References Checked: Y/N
Homecheck Completed: Y/N ________ (initial)
Fee paid  _____________   check number   ___________


Name___________________________         M/F           Date of Birth: ________________________
Color:   _________________________         Microchip number:  ______________________________


    * I agree that the cat is being adopted for myself and will not be sold, adopted, or given to another party.  _________ (initial)

    * I agree that I will not allow the cat outdoors unless leashed and under my supervision.  _________ (initial)
    * I agree to care for the cat in a humane manner and be a responsible cat guardian. This includes supplying adequate food, water, shelter, attention, and medical care as well as providing recommended vaccinations and parasite prevention.  _________ (initial)

    * I agree that if at any point I can not keep the cat, I will return him/her to the original rescue without requesting a fee.   The cat may not be transferred to another owner without written permission of TCR  _________ (initial)

    * I understand and agree that TCR  makes no guarantees about the cat's temperament and is not responsible for future damages or injuries caused by the cat.  _________ (initial)

    * I give TCR  permission to call my home at any reasonable time to assure that the cat is being properly treated and cared for.  _________ (initial)

    * I agree to keep TCR  informed of my current home address and phone number and notify TCR  if the cat is lost, stolen, or killed.  _________ (initial)

    * I agree to not have the cat declawed. _________ (initial)

    * I agree that if I have provided false information on my application or this contract, or if TCR  finds that I am not providing reasonable care for the cat, TCR can reclaim the cat and I will be responsible for any costs involved.  _________ (initial)

    * I understand that the cat can be returned within 15 days for a full refund.  The cat can be returned at any time following that, but without a refund.  _________ (initial)
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I agree that all statements I have made on this form are true.

Adopter's Signature:  ______________________________________________________
Date:   __________________________________________________________________